“The Affair” is a novel written by C. P. Snow, an English novelist and physicist, first published in 1960. It is part of Snow’s “Strangers and Brothers” series, which consists of eleven novels that explore the life and career of Lewis Eliot, a fictional character loosely based on Snow himself.
In “The Affair,” Lewis Eliot, who serves as the narrator, recounts the story of a scandal that unfolds within a British scientific research institution. The novel delves into the intricate relationships and power dynamics among the scientists, administrators, and politicians involved in the affair. As the investigation progresses, Eliot finds himself entangled in the moral and ethical complexities of the situation, forcing him to confront his own beliefs and values.
“The Affair” is praised for its insightful portrayal of the inner workings of academia, bureaucracy, and politics, as well as its exploration of themes such as integrity, ambition, and the clash between personal and professional interests. Snow’s background as both a scientist and a novelist lends authenticity to the novel’s depiction of the scientific world, while his skill as a storyteller makes “The Affair” a compelling and thought-provoking read.
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