“Humphry Clinker” is an epistolary novel written by Tobias Smollett, first published in 1771. The story follows the adventures of Matthew Bramble, a cantankerous and eccentric Welshman, and his entourage as they journey through England and Scotland, offering a satirical glimpse into 18th-century British society.
The novel is structured as a series of letters written by various characters, including Matthew Bramble, his sister Tabitha, his niece Lydia, his nephew Jeremy Melford, and their servant Humphry Clinker. Each character’s unique voice and perspective contribute to the rich tapestry of the narrative.
As the travelers embark on their journey, they encounter a diverse array of people and situations, from corrupt innkeepers to lovelorn aristocrats, providing Smollett ample opportunity to lampoon the social mores and customs of his time.
“Humphry Clinker” is celebrated for its lively characters, witty dialogue, and sharp social commentary, making it a classic of English literature and an enduring satire of 18th-century society.
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