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Carlton J. H. Hayes, John W. Wayland, Parker Thomas Moon

World History by Hayes, Moon and Wayland (Vintage 1960 Illustrated Hardcover)

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The World History is really a world history. It is brief, it is frankly introductory, but it is, we believe, coherent. it does tell a running story of man all the way from the earliest age of hunters to the latest age of big businesses, from Neanderthalers and Cro-Magnons to Bolshevists and Fascists. It does relate to history of so called Western Civilization the history of China and Japan of India and of America (including not only Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas, and colonial America, but also revolution in Latin America and the rise of United States of America from Independence to world power.)

Moreover, it does emphasize the cultural and social and economics, as well as the political, life of peoples throughout the ages and throughout the world.


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