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James Joyce

Ulysses by James Joyce (Penguin Classics)

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Original price was: ₹599.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.
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“Dubliners” is a collection of short stories written by Irish author James Joyce, first published in 1914. The collection consists of fifteen stories that offer a depiction of everyday life in Dublin, Ireland, during the early 20th century. The stories are known for their detailed and realistic portrayal of characters and situations, as well as their exploration of themes related to Irish identity, paralysis, and the struggles of ordinary individuals.

Each story in “Dubliners” provides a snapshot of a different aspect of Dublin society, often focusing on the lives of characters from various social and economic backgrounds. The stories are connected by their shared setting and themes, creating a cohesive portrayal of the city and its inhabitants.

Some of the well-known stories from the collection include:

  1. “The Sisters”: The opening story that introduces the theme of paralysis and the impact of death on the characters.
  2. “Araby”: Follows a young boy’s infatuation with a girl and his disillusionment with the world around him.
  3. “Eveline”: Explores a young woman’s inner conflict as she contemplates leaving her home to start a new life.
  4. “A Little Cloud”: Focuses on a man’s envy of a successful friend and his own unfulfilled aspirations.
  5. “The Dead”: The final and longest story, which takes place during a Christmas party and delves into themes of mortality, memory, and the impact of the past on the present.

“Dubliners” is often considered a precursor to Joyce’s later and more complex works, such as “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” and “Ulysses.” It showcases his distinctive writing style, characterized by vivid imagery, internal monologues, and an intricate use of symbolism. The collection is celebrated for its exploration of the human condition and its masterful depiction of Dublin’s social, cultural, and emotional landscape.


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