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Vikram Seth

Three Chinese Poets by Vikram Seth (Hardcover)

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Original price was: ₹299.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.
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“Three Chinese Poets” by Vikram Seth is a captivating collection of translations of poems by three renowned Chinese poets: Wang Wei, Li Bai (also known as Li Po), and Du Fu. In this book, Seth offers English-language readers a glimpse into the rich and diverse tradition of Chinese poetry, showcasing the timeless beauty and profound insights of these literary masters.

Wang Wei, known for his contemplative and nature-inspired verse, captures the tranquility of the Chinese landscape and the fleeting moments of life. Li Bai, often regarded as one of China’s greatest poets, embodies the spirit of wanderlust and poetic exuberance, celebrating the joys of wine, nature, and friendship. Du Fu, hailed as the “poet historian,” provides poignant reflections on the human condition, addressing themes of love, loss, and social justice.

Seth’s translations are faithful to the original texts while also capturing the lyrical essence and emotional depth of the poems. Through his skillful interpretation, he brings these ancient verses to life for a contemporary audience, allowing readers to appreciate the universal themes and timeless beauty of Chinese poetry.

“Three Chinese Poets” is not only a tribute to the literary legacy of Wang Wei, Li Bai, and Du Fu but also a testament to the power of poetry to transcend cultural boundaries and speak to the human experience. Seth’s insightful introductions to each poet provide context and background, enhancing readers’ understanding and appreciation of their work.

Overall, “Three Chinese Poets” is a lyrical and evocative collection that invites readers on a journey through the landscapes of China and the landscapes of the human heart. It is a testament to the enduring power of poetry to inspire, enlighten, and enrich our lives.


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