*Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix* by J.K. Rowling is the fifth installment in the beloved Harry Potter series. In this darker and more complex narrative, Harry returns to Hogwarts for his fifth year, burdened by the knowledge of Lord Voldemort’s return. However, the wizarding world is in denial, and Harry finds himself at odds with the Ministry of Magic, which refuses to acknowledge the growing threat.
At Hogwarts, Harry faces new challenges, including the arrival of the cruel and authoritarian Professor Umbridge, who has been appointed by the Ministry as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. As Umbridge tightens her grip on the school, Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, form Dumbledore’s Army, a secret group dedicated to learning real defense magic in preparation for the coming battle.
Throughout the novel, Harry grapples with intense emotions, including anger, frustration, and grief, as he uncovers secrets about his past and the prophecy that links him to Voldemort. *The Order of the Phoenix* deepens the series’ themes of loyalty, courage, and resistance against tyranny, all while setting the stage for the larger battle between good and evil.
Mohan Rathore (Verified Purchase)
as a harry potter book fan i love this book and the author told in a realistic manner which makes us feel in the part the story i especially love Hermione
Kishore M N (Verified Purchase)
The fifth book of Harry Potter was usual very interesting and is one of those books where you keep reading because you can’t wait to see what happens next. Amazing book thanks to J.K Rowling.
TARAK MAJI (Verified Purchase)
This book all about fantasy and thriller. i like the book how harry stays in the dusleys house and his friend’s Ron and Hermione and his enemy draco in Hogwarts.
Suraj Chetri (Verified Purchase)
Though the book is toooo long , it never bores the reader . I hated umbridge throughout the book , and tears fell from my eyes when sirius died
vajrala Naga brahmam (Verified Purchase)
I wish i had read this serios before. Complete harry porter series is awesome. Truely wonderful experience witn each series.