“Art Deco” by Victor Arwas is a comprehensive book that explores the Art Deco movement, a prominent design style that emerged in the early 20th century. Victor Arwas, an art historian and author, is well-regarded for his contributions to the study of decorative arts, particularly Art Deco.
The book “Art Deco” provides a thorough examination of the Art Deco movement, which flourished during the 1920s and 1930s. Art Deco is characterized by its geometric shapes, streamlined forms, bold colors, and luxurious materials. It influenced various aspects of design, including architecture, fashion, furniture, jewelry, and visual arts.
Arwas’s book delves into the origins and development of Art Deco, exploring its aesthetic principles and the cultural context in which it emerged. It also features a wide range of illustrations, showcasing examples of Art Deco designs from different countries and across various disciplines. These illustrations help readers understand the diversity and global impact of the Art Deco movement.
“Art Deco” by Victor Arwas is often regarded as a valuable resource for both scholars and enthusiasts interested in the history and aesthetics of this influential design movement. The book provides a comprehensive overview of Art Deco’s evolution, its key characteristics, and its lasting impact on the world of art and design.
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