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Asha Kaul, Vishal Gupta

Demystifying Leadership: Unveiling the Mahabharata Code by Asha Kaul and Vishal Gupta (Hardcover)

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Original price was: ₹899.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.
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**Demystifying Leadership: Unveiling the Mahabharata Code** by Asha Kaul and Vishal Gupta is a thought-provoking exploration of leadership principles drawn from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. In this insightful book, the authors analyze the timeless wisdom found within the Mahabharata and distill it into practical lessons for contemporary leaders.

The Mahabharata, with its rich tapestry of characters and complex moral dilemmas, serves as a treasure trove of leadership insights. Kaul and Gupta delve into key episodes and characters from the epic, examining their actions, motivations, and consequences through a leadership lens. By drawing parallels between the challenges faced by the characters in the Mahabharata and those encountered by modern leaders, the authors illuminate universal truths about leadership dynamics and decision-making.

Central to the book is the concept of dharma, or ethical duty, which lies at the heart of the Mahabharata. Through the examples of characters such as Arjuna, Bhishma, and Krishna, Kaul and Gupta explore the principles of ethical leadership, integrity, and resilience. They also discuss the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking in navigating complex organizational environments.

**Demystifying Leadership** offers practical tools and frameworks that leaders can apply to enhance their effectiveness and lead with integrity and purpose. The book encourages readers to reflect on their own leadership style and practices, inviting them to draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Mahabharata.

With its blend of scholarly analysis and real-world relevance, **Demystifying Leadership** is a valuable resource for leaders at all levels. Whether navigating corporate boardrooms or facing personal challenges, readers will find guidance and inspiration in the pages of this illuminating book.


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