“The Paradoxical Prime Minister: Narendra Modi and His India” is a book written by Indian politician, author, and former diplomat Shashi Tharoor. It was published in 2018 and focuses on the life and political career of Narendra Modi, who was serving as the Prime Minister of India at the time of the book’s publication.
In “The Paradoxical Prime Minister,” Shashi Tharoor offers an analysis of Narendra Modi’s rise to power, his leadership style, and the impact of his policies on India. The book explores various aspects of Modi’s life, including his humble beginnings, his time as Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat, and his ascent to the highest political office in the country.
Tharoor presents a critical examination of Modi’s governance, highlighting what he sees as both positive and negative aspects of Modi’s leadership. The book delves into Modi’s communication skills, his use of social media, and his ability to connect with the masses. It also discusses key policy initiatives, such as “Make in India,” “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” (Clean India campaign), and the controversial demonetization move.
The title “The Paradoxical Prime Minister” suggests that Modi’s leadership is marked by contradictions and complexities, and Tharoor attempts to unravel these paradoxes throughout the book.
Shashi Tharoor, a prominent Indian politician and author, brings his perspective as a seasoned observer of Indian politics to the book. His writing style is often characterized by eloquence and deep analysis, making the book an engaging read for those interested in Indian politics and the leadership of Narendra Modi.
It’s worth noting that Shashi Tharoor’s assessment of Narendra Modi and his policies in “The Paradoxical Prime Minister” reflects his own perspective and political viewpoint, which may differ from those of other authors and commentators.
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