Jest In Time was launched to mark the celebration of 175 years of Times of India as a leading newspaper in India. It was inaugurated by Union Information and Broadcasting Minister, Manish Tewari. The 8 most accomplished cartoonists in India came together to contribute their work for this book, which celebrates the acerbic wit and sharp satire of the cartoonists, who have contributed to this publication for 175 years, viewing, and critiquing the world around them with humour, even in the darkest of times.
Compiled by Ajit Ninan, Jug Suraiya, and Neelabh Banerjee, this book features cartoons that chronicle some of the major events in Indian history. It also documents the daily travails of the common human in India, who is constantly beleaguered by the inept bureaucrats and corrupt politicians. Jest In Time: 175 Years was published in 2012 by Times Group Books, and is available in hardcover.
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