“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë is a renowned novel published in 1847. It follows the life of its titular character, Jane Eyre, from her difficult childhood to her adulthood. Jane, an orphan raised by her cruel aunt and cousins, is sent to a harsh boarding school where she endures mistreatment but also finds solace in education and friendship. As she grows older, Jane becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her enigmatic employer, Mr. Rochester. However, Thornfield holds dark secrets, and Jane must confront them to find happiness and independence.
The novel is celebrated for its portrayal of a strong, independent female protagonist who asserts her own moral and emotional agency in a society that often seeks to constrain her. It explores themes of social class, morality, religion, and the search for belonging and identity. “Jane Eyre” is considered a classic of English literature and has been adapted into numerous films, television series, and stage productions.
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